Frequently asked questions

Orders are processed within 1 business day of placing the order. When we prepare your package for shipment, you will receive an email. Once your order leaves our warehouse, it takes 1-3 business days for your package to be delivered - depending on the delivery method you choose.

Yes, you can make a traditional wire transfer to the details below:

Tak, możesz dokonać przelewu tradycyjnego na poniższe dane:

The Cakes sp. z o.o.

ul. Trakt Lubelski 135

04-790 Warszawa

account number: 69 1050 1025 1000 0090 3063 0074 (ING Bank Śląski O. w Warszawie )

Please include your order number in the transfer title.

Payment should be made to the following:

The Cakes sp.z o.o.

ul. Trakt Lubelski 135

04-790 Warszawa

Account number: 69 1050 1025 1000 0090 3063 0074 (ING Bank Śląski O. w Warszawie)

Please include your order number in the transfer title.

Discounts are granted for orders of min. 500 zł. Before buying, please contact our Customer Service.

Fixed discounts are given individually based on the value of orders and the frequency of orders in the last year.

Unfortunately no. We do not sell in-store at this location, nor is online order pickup available.

Lack of confirmation is most often caused by an error in the provided e-mail address or the automatic transfer of the message to spam.

Your order will be processed if it is visible in your order history (My account -> Order history and details). If it is not visible, please contact Customer Service.

To ensure your orders are delivered intact, some products due to their weight or size do not have all shipping options available.

Unfortunately we do not currently ship overseas our products

Our priority is to process your order as quickly as possible. The time between placing your order and having it ready to ship is very short. In order for you to enjoy your purchased products as quickly as possible, we usually ship them out the same day.

Making changes to an already placed and processed order delays not only this particular order but also the orders of other Customers. Therefore, it is not possible to edit an order in any way after confirming the purchase.

Yes, on request we issue VAT invoices.

Invoice data should be provided when placing an order, in the field "Data for VAT invoice".

You can check the current status of your order in My Account -> Order History and Details.

To withdraw from the purchase contract, please fill in return form and send it back together with the product and proof of purchase to the following address:

The Cakes

ul. Trakt Lubelski 135

04-790 Warszawa


Refunds will be made within 14 days to the account provided on the form.

Please send all irregularities and comments regarding completed orders to our e-mail address: [email protected].